Tips for Sellers

Tips to keep your transaction on track:

  • Promptly complete and return the documents in the Seller’s Opening Package
  • Provide the your lender contact information and account number(s) for payoffs
  • Order HOA documents as soon as possible to avoid expedite fees. (if applicable).
  • Be responsive and assist us as needed to transfer solar contract (if applicable).
  • Inform us if you are in the process of divorce or if a spouse/partner has recently died.
  • Provide specific instruction on disbursement of proceeds
  • Make sure the property is available for inspections and work promptly to order any repairs.
  • Inform your escrow officer if you’re involved in negotiations with your existing lender (delinquencies) or if there are any legal proceedings, such as probate that may affect the property.
  • Let us know if the escrow is part of a 1031 tax-deferred exchange and provide the contact information for the Qualified Intermediary.
  • Tell us is you plan to be out of town during the escrow period or if a party to the transaction will be using a Power of Attorney.
  • Advise us if an party will require the services of a translator
  • Provide a forwarding address for post-closing documents